Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Spectrum House

By November 25, 2022 No Comments

The HTA Team is passionate about really getting to know our clients to ensure that we are providing them with the best possible service. We love watching them grow both on a business and personal level and pride ourselves on the part we play in their success.

This week we caught up with long-term client Emma-Rose Parsons, Director of Spectrum House Psychology, to find out more about the impact HTA has had on the growth and development of her business.

In your own words, who is Spectrum House?

Spectrum House is a small, dedicated team of psychologists, who support families who are managing mental health concerns.

Prior to joining HTA in 2016, what were your biggest roadblocks when it came to running your business?

One of our biggest challenges was having clarity regarding our financial position, and how to ensure the longevity of the business, in order to support both our team and our clients long term.  Without being able to really understand the ins and outs of the business financially, we were not as well placed to protect the business, which in turn protects both our clinicians and our clients.

How has HTA helped you navigate those roadblocks in the time we have been working together?

Regular meetings to discuss past, current and future financial decisions, as well as analysis of what is going well and what needs to change financially. Access to the team at HTA to answer questions between meetings and reliable help in business planning and decision making, including staffing, rent and other business expenses and requirements.

What do you value the most when it comes to working with an advisor?

That the team at HTA actually care how my business is tracking.  They understand the nuances of our business, and that it is more than just numbers on a page.  They understand that there is a lot of emotion tied into a small business, and the effort it takes to keep the business running smoothly, and how to ensure the business stress is as low as possible, by ensuring it is financially protected.  

We has been fortunate enough to assist you with not only our business, but also your mortgage and financial planning – what are the benefits of having these services delivered by the one provider?

Absolutely having one team understand the bigger picture for us as a family.  Understanding our family situation and nuances, as well as the business ins and outs, and the interaction between these two areas, has been fantastic.  HTA supports us as a family, and a significant component of that is the business.  We don’t end up doubling up on resources or having miscommunications between financial supports, because HTA communicate within their team, and to us.

What does the future hold for yourself, your family, and Spectrum House?

Continuing to have a strong business that can support our team, our clients and our family and to have a clear understanding of our work and personal financial situation, to inform our decisions and future goals, personally, for our family and professionally.

To find out how HTA can help your business, please contact us.



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